Though the world is going electronic when it comes to financial transactions and paying bills, there still is a role for personal checks, even though it is a shrinking one. Here are some of the advantages of using personal checks in Calgary and other places.
Some businesses don't take credit cards
There are still businesses in the world, especially small ones, that don't take credit cards. This usually is because of the merchant fees involved, and many small businesses operate on such small margins that they can't afford the extra fees. Many of these businesses to continue to take checks, however, to offer their customers the convenience of not having to carry large amounts of cash.
You may need them occasionally to pay bills
Some people like to use checks Calgary to pay bills, and there may be some cases where a check is about the only way to pay a bill. Some people, especially those who are older, are wary of doing online bill pay, and they still like to send checks through the mail or deliver checks in person to pay utility and other bills.
Can act as a receipt
Some people like to use checks in Calgary because they create a record of payment, especially when the alternative is paying with cash. This can often be the case with informal transactions, such as buying an item for a charitable drive.
There is still a place for checks Calgary and there is likely to continue to be one for a long time to come.